Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ynk Ynk - A pathetic weekend, pregnancy wise

Ugh, so I've just had one of those pathetic pregnant weekends where everything has been wrong and hurting. Thankfully, I am already feeling much better today, but perhaps it is time to slow down even further and realize that my body just can't handle the same things as before.

It all started friday, after we went swimming. For many, many * reasons, it had been three weeks since my last trip to the pool, which is really also my only current source of real exercise (except for walking, biking, and vacuuming..). Now, I've been really good about not pushing myself too hard during swimming, not sprinting, no underwater, trying to never get really out of breath or anything. Friday was no different. I actually was feeling pretty heavy in the water and felt super super slow. I never swam fast or anything.

It might have been too much for me though, because my arms have been hurting ever since. Not feeling sore - I know what sore feels like - but hurting. It also seems to have aggravated my hip (a recurring symptom) and not doing anything good for my thigh (another recurring symptom). Ugh, no sleep and lots of pain later, now it's sunday, and I'm feeling a bit better.

Little Dude has been super active though, and for some reason that just makes it all a little bit better - I can't really complain when he starts punching and kicking me from the inside. Feeling him move around, kicking, punching, cartwheeling, swimming - whatever it is - just makes the world seem at peace.

Also, the picture at the top is the view out of the bedroom - more pics to follow!

*First, there was Easter, where the pool for some reason was closed, except during the hours 6 AM-8:30 AM. Yea, no way I was getting out of bed for that. Boy did go twice though, kudos to him. Then there was the move,  followed by a week of feeling beyond exhausted. Then there was the whole "my suit doesn't fit anymore because I am becoming a giant whale" dilemma, where I had to go buy a new suit. And then there were two trips to the pool where we were idiots who forgot to check the opening hours and had to go back home...

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