Saturday, August 27, 2011


Yup, officially gone over time and past the due date so..... Please come out little dude? Please?

Friday, August 26, 2011

A birthday and a due date

Yesterday was a fantastic, baby-free birthday - the last one as just another chick and not as someones mother.

The boy woke me up with a birthday song, coffee, and rundstykker. We got to eat breakfast together before he had to leave for a long day of work. I got to take over the couch for some Go'Morgen Danmark and more coffee. This was followed by a brief hormonal meltdown over being overheated, all alone on my birthday, starving children in Africa, missing my mom, and the weather being horrible. Hey, no, it doesn't make sense.

It was made slightly better by a massage, yay, followed by the company of lovely Lene for lunch. We were joined by J for coffee, cake and 'boller' (which, because I am lazy, was instead franskbrød). Later we were joined by C for more coffee and eating and talking.

Finally we were joined by the boyfriend for a while before heading out to Cafe Chinos for huge, gross, greasy, delicious Burgers! Pretty much a perfect day. (Except for the fact that I drank too much coffee and soda all day and all night and I am fairly sure I did not sleep more than about 1.5 hours last night!)

Oh, also I got some great presents!

Today is my due date, which means Little Dude is welcome any time. Come out Come out wherever you are!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom

Today is my Moms birthday!

Happy birthday to my mama!

Oh Em Gee

I just realized how much fun holidays are going to be from now on. I mean christmas, obviously. But Halloween, Valentines Day, Pattys Day, 4th of July, everything. I can't wait to dress my baby in ridiculous outfits!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pity Party

You know what isn't fun?

Being 38+ weeks pregnant, unable to sleep, overheated all the time. AND having a horrific cold. Think sore throat, hacking up a lung, snot running out my nose, crackly voice. Feeling even more over heated - or just really really cold.

Whine whine whine whine

Thursday, August 11, 2011

an impatient status update

Tomorrow I reach 38 weeks, so I guess really I should just wait and write tomorrow. I'll do my best to actually post some picture tomorrow. I promise! (to do my best, that is...)

Anyway. I am as big and round as ever, but have luckily only grown a few more small stretchmarks. The hole that used be meant for a belly button ring is all stretched and red and I am pretty sure it will never look the same. 

Little Dude is nice and active and kicking and moving (more moving than kicking, really). 

Today I returned from the last part of this years Summer Vacation - affectionately nicknamed 'Tour de Danmark rundt' - since it has taken me to Aarhus, Billund, Sønderborg (x2), København, and Thy. This last short trip was to celebrate the 30th birthday of my sister-in-law. I'm pretty sure some people thought I was crazy to be about 4 hours from home this close to my due date, but honestly, all distractions have been welcome lately. I may as well admit it: I'm kind of bored most of the time. 

We're pretty much ready for the baby. We have clothes (although it's hard to know exactly how much you really need?), the bed is ready, etc. We need a few small items, but nothing urgent that would be needed the first day. And I've heard a rumour that it's still possible to leave the house and do some shopping even after you have the baby....

I'm still eternally happy and thankful and blessed (and all those wonderful words) to have had such a complication-free pregnancy. I know it could take another 4 weeks - but so far, I've only gained about 9 kg and I'm not swollen or filled with water.

 I have trouble sleeping, I'm tired and hot all the time and ridiculously thirsty. But that's also about it. I mean - my hips can be a bit sore every now and then. The floor seems really far away. Sitting in the same position can be uncomfortable over a longer period of time. I have to pee pretty much nonstop. But overall I'm not bothered. 

Either way - I'm still ready for him to get out of there, so please feel welcome any time!

Monday, August 8, 2011

How awesome... Chris Anker Sørensen?

After his wife gave birth in the middle of the night, he drove back in the morning to continue racing in Post Danmrk Rundt. Not that's pretty Bad ass.

(he must have a very understanding and patient wife!)

Friday, August 5, 2011

37 Weeks

Yup, today I reached the magical date: 37 weeks! To the uninformed (such as me, a mere 9 months ago when I knew very little about pregnancy) this means that baby is officially 'full-term'  -- Or in other words, if he were to be born today, he would not be considered premature. This also means that we will officially be parents within the next 5! weeks. Labor will be started at 42 weeks if he doesn't show up on his own.

It's a nice milepost to reach, and I think it has calmed both of us a bit to know that he is know pretty much ready to be born.

It's also started me on even more of a 'getting ready frenzy' to make sure everything in place if today turns ut to be the day. I mean - any day now, it could start, and within (about) 24 hours we could be parents. How crazy is that?

Il Gusto - Odense

For a long time I've been hearing all these wonderful things about a little Italian Ice place in Odense known as Il Gusto. It wsa supposed to small, with homemade ice, and a new and different selection pretty much every day.

I like Ice Cream, and I generally like to support local business.

Then, more recently, word also spread that the owner is a little bit of a butthole. I didn't take that too seriously. I should have.

Yesterday, when we were out running some errands, the boy and I decided to treat ourselves to some ice cream. I was excited about my Il Gusto debut, about ice cream, about nice weather and yada yada.

However, the owner was enough to almost ruin my good mood. He was... unpleasant. and rude. He rolled his eyes at us. He didn't say or do anything that could be concieved as positive customer service. He kind of drew some comparisons to the soup nazi from Seinfeld.

When people aren't nice to me, it makes me sad, angry, uncomfortable and a little depressed. So I don't plan on ever going back there - especially since I was told this was entirely normal behavior for this man. No ice cream (and it was good, no denying that) is worth it.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

on Baby Preparations

Hot DOG it's hot out there!

Actually, not really, it's probably just me. But Whoa. I'm just over heated pretty much all the time, and nothing can really seem to help - cold(ish) showers, minimal clothing, open windows all over, sitting outside in the shade - tried it all. I miss airconditioning. (sad face).

Anyway, we've working on little house projects the past few days/weeks. The 'nursery' is now just about assembled and decorated and we've rearranged our bedroom to make room for the aforementioned nursery. We're hanging up some pictures on the walls and starting to prepare for packing bags for the hospital (mainly for Little Dude so far, and then just a list for our stuff). Pictures to come.