
About the Blog

Welcome to the Christine Blog! As the name implies, this is a blog about Me. With time, I had hoped this blog would find a niche, a theme, or a path, but it seems that the only ongoing theme is Me.

This is my freespace to write about life, relationships, food, recipes, random news, my own thoughts, memories with friends and family, future plans, pretty things, pregnancy, fashion, life as a student - and much, much, more.

If you've come here expecting serious discussions of current events, you'll be dissapointed. I sometimes discuss random news stories or news stories that I find interesting. If you've come here looking for a food and recipe blog, you'll probably be very dissapointed. I am also not a fashion blog, a news blog, a social media blog, a pregnancy blog, a mommy blog, or....

This blog is was originally created as a way for family and  friends to keep up with my life, as well as a place for me to organize my thoughts and tell my pointless stories. An important disclaimer to this part is that alot of the people I care most about live very far away from me. Despite wonderful technological advances, I still feel the need to tell them some of the different stories and aspects of my life.

Who am I?

First of all, you should read the blog to get the full picture, because no person can describe herself in full in a small box. But let's give it a shot.
I am.....
  • ...24 years old, living in sin with the 2 loves of my life
  • .... a mother to a boy from September 2011 (see 'loves of my life' above)
  • ...a student studying International Business Communication and English in Odense.
  • ...Danish/American - Danish by blood and family, American (in part) by culture - I have moved around between Denmark and the United States all my life. I spent my teen years, high school years, and undergrad years in Maryland/DC, and only recently moved back to Denmark to pursure a Master's degree.
  • ... a nerd for communication, sociological/psychological issues, media, feminism, human nature, food, reading, swimming, bad tv-shows,....