Sunday, February 12, 2012

Don't get me wrong, having a baby is the most magical, fantastic thing that has ever happened to me.
But even so, even though Little Dude is perhaps the 'easiest' baby ever, it is still hard.

It is hard... have your sleep interrupted on a daily basis, even though Little Dude is a good sleeper and has been since the start.
... to not have 'me time' to read a book, surf the internet, watch a TV show, etc. etc.
... to love someone so much, and at times just want a day off from being a mom
... to let go of control, to let the house be messy at times, to not be be able to plan your day
... to be tired all the time
... to feel guilty for sometimes wanting a day off

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel guilty my dear... you are just a.. mom.. and a very good one.!!! so damn proud of you!! love you!!!
