Friday, August 5, 2011

37 Weeks

Yup, today I reached the magical date: 37 weeks! To the uninformed (such as me, a mere 9 months ago when I knew very little about pregnancy) this means that baby is officially 'full-term'  -- Or in other words, if he were to be born today, he would not be considered premature. This also means that we will officially be parents within the next 5! weeks. Labor will be started at 42 weeks if he doesn't show up on his own.

It's a nice milepost to reach, and I think it has calmed both of us a bit to know that he is know pretty much ready to be born.

It's also started me on even more of a 'getting ready frenzy' to make sure everything in place if today turns ut to be the day. I mean - any day now, it could start, and within (about) 24 hours we could be parents. How crazy is that?

1 comment:

  1. Kæft jeg er misundelig! Tænk.. Nu ,å den bette komme ud! shit jeg tror jeg ville gå i fuldbyrdet panik. Men tillykke med milepælen!
