Friday, August 5, 2011

Il Gusto - Odense

For a long time I've been hearing all these wonderful things about a little Italian Ice place in Odense known as Il Gusto. It wsa supposed to small, with homemade ice, and a new and different selection pretty much every day.

I like Ice Cream, and I generally like to support local business.

Then, more recently, word also spread that the owner is a little bit of a butthole. I didn't take that too seriously. I should have.

Yesterday, when we were out running some errands, the boy and I decided to treat ourselves to some ice cream. I was excited about my Il Gusto debut, about ice cream, about nice weather and yada yada.

However, the owner was enough to almost ruin my good mood. He was... unpleasant. and rude. He rolled his eyes at us. He didn't say or do anything that could be concieved as positive customer service. He kind of drew some comparisons to the soup nazi from Seinfeld.

When people aren't nice to me, it makes me sad, angry, uncomfortable and a little depressed. So I don't plan on ever going back there - especially since I was told this was entirely normal behavior for this man. No ice cream (and it was good, no denying that) is worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Jeg har aldrig forstået hvordan man kan arbejde i et servicefag og så opføre sig sådan. Jeg bliver helt dårlig ved tanken!
