Tuesday, May 10, 2011

An Apple a day?

Are you an Apple person? I’m not talking about being Apple-bottomed, or eating an Apple a day (to keep the doctor away). No, I’m talking about the gadgets – the Iphone, the Ipad, the Mac, the Ipod (do people even still have Ipods?).

The reason I ask is because Apple was named the best Brand Value yesterday by the Financial Times. Branding is one of my fascinations – dare I say ‘passions’? (within academia, of course).
I must admit – I’m not an Apple person. I own one thing from Apple: it’s an Ipod from 2005 with accompanying Itunes. The Ipod is rarely in use anymore, but Itunes is a frequent visitor in our home. But I kind of wish I were an Apple person - if I had an Iphone and a Mac, I would be just that much cooler.

Why was Apple the top pick this year? Personally, I think it’s because Apple has managed to combine an essence of luxury with the idea that ‘everyone can have it.” A Mac is not cheap – but if you want it, you can probably find the money for it in your budget.

The Apple logo is cool, hip, and urban. It can make most people feel just a little more tech savvy. If you have an Iphone, you probably like to show it off. People don’t feel ashamed to show off the Apple logo. People talk about them “I looove my Iphone” or “I’m so getting the new Iphone.” And my favorite: “Mac or PC?” - as if you can only be one type of person, and Mac is clearly the cooler type of person.

Apple has also created the need for their products. They’ve told us that they are cool, that they work better than the competition, and created an image of youth around their products.

Some of the other top names: Google (previously # 1), IBM, Coca Cola, China Mobile, MacDonalds, Microsoft.

What do you think of Apple? Does the list surprise you? What Brand means the most to you in your own everyday life?


  1. The only Apple product I own is a 120 GB iPod that I use almost everyday. Granted, it sits in my car and I use either it or satellite radio, depending on my mood. It is easier than a bunch of CDs to cart around. Other than that, I have no desire to purchase anything else by Apple. Why, you might ask? I fail to see how, for the price, it out performs other brands. For the cost of a basic Mac, you can get a pretty bitchin PC. I am not a graphic designer or into editing music or video. The programs I run for work wouldn't work on a Mac unless you use bootcamp, and by then, may as well just have a PC with better processors. When I am not at work, I use my computers to surf the web and game. Moving onto the iPhone - no thanks. I prefer my android. The iPad - maybe if someone just gave me one. But for now, a tablet isn't something I am interested in. If I ever am, I will probably look into something with Android on it.

    What can I say, I must not be a "cool" or "hip" kind of guy.

  2. Thank you for the comment Bryan =) It's good to know there are other people out there without Apple gear.

    Maybe I should have been mroe clear. It's not that I believe that I would be cooler with Apple (or that Im not cool now, I totally am ;) ) Just that Apple has created some sort of Aura around itself that makes people believe they are buying something more than just a product - it's a high quality product that makes a statement. That's good brand value - when people buy your product, and their just as much buying the image´/the logo/the idea as they are the gadget.

  3. My "I must not be a cool guy" was just a sarcastic remark of the "hipster" image Apple has. They do have good brand value, but for me, I don't like the brand.
