Tuesday, June 21, 2011

On being boring, or old, or whatever

I know my previous blog post was pretty much the most exhilarating thing ever. Ever.

It's kind of like that whole pregnancy-and-babies on the brain thing I've mentioned before. And the foggy brain thing I've mentioned before. Yup, I'm sure there's more to life, but sometimes, that's it. Yup, doing a few loads of laundry and getting dinner on the table.

How do some people bloggers make a day of cleaning, reading, and eating sandwhiches sound endlessly interesting?

But it's okay, because it is now Summer break (/maternity leave). Last week was full of projct management, writing, and real academic thinking. I also cooked up a potential thesis topic. (don't put too much weight on this though, every few months I think of something new to write about and so far I'm not feeling 100% inspired)

Life is good and today is the longest day of the year. Little Dude is active and growing. Happy birthday to my grandpa, who turns 85 today. Over and Out.


  1. Jeg er ved at svare på engelsk HVER gang jeg læser din blog :P Men jeg ved hvordan du har det.. Jeg synes heller ikke jeg har så meget spændende at bidrage med, men åbenbart synes mine læsere det, for de kommenterer da på livet løs, og jeg synes nu også dine blogindlæg er spændende og underholdene :)

  2. Du svarer da bare på Engelsk hvis du føler for det ;)

    Jeg kan nu godt lide at læse andre hverdahs/livsstilsblogs og om andre gravide samt mødre :) Jeg synes bare ikke selv jeg har så meget andet at bidrage med lige nu end "idag har jeg vasket to læs tøj, handlet ind, og gået en tur. woohoo"
