Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Eksil (Jakob Ejersbo)

Because I'm a nerd AWESOME, one of my very favorite things about summer is getting the chance to read lots of books - the non-academic kind. I've been spending my days outside in the yard, switching between the shaded and the sunny areas.

This week I started out on "Eksil" by Jacob Ejersbo. Where we meet Samantha, who is desperately seeking for meaning in life. Every time she finds someone to lean on, they dissapear. We are introduced to Tanzania at its best and worst. It is a tragic, brutal, very touching book, that I would recommend to anyone.

I've never been to Africa, but I've heard people recommend this book for people to read before going - it's hard to explain exactly why, but it displays alot of societal, political, psychological issues that we can all relate to in some way - even if it is based in a strange, foreign place.

One of the themes that really hit home was the ongoing story of how Samantha felt very strongly about not returning 'home' to England, even though her family pushed for her to go back. But Samantha moved from England at the age of 3 and has lived in Tanzania ever since. She speak Swahili, she knows and understands the local culture, people and customs. She thinks it is strange to call England 'home' when she barely remembers it and certainly doesn't understand it.

I'm working on the sequel - "Revolution." I should be done tonight or tomorrow, and will review that book as well. And then - it's time to go the library for new book supplies! 


  1. Mine somre plejer også at gå med læsning. Jeg har så været så dum, at pakke alle mine bøger ned i flyttekasser uden at tænke på, at jeg jo KUNNE få lyst til at læse i løbet af de næste 2 uger. Fuck my life..

  2. Jeg regner med at tage et smut på biblioteket i morgen (og sikkert mange flere gange i løbet af somemren). De fleste af mine bøger er også enten i kasser i kælderen eller i USA - men dem har jeg jo allesammen læst mange gange før!
