Monday, June 13, 2011

No, bad!

I just finally reached my page-count goal for the day and now I am taking the night off - probably. I may make some models for my appendix if there's nothing good on tv (chances are good...)

So if I'm quiet this week, it's because I'm under pressure to write this final project. And also maybe because, just last week, I discovered two new show called Bones and Numbers, and I'm kind of fascinated.

Time for my home-made pizza dinner and then some couch time. Bye ya'll.


  1. Du vender bare tilbage, når tiden er der :)

  2. You just discovered those shows? THey have been on the air for years I think. I dunno. But cool! Oh, been meaning to tell you, there is a Denmark here in SC, so you don't have to be way over there to be in Denmark....just sayin

  3. Yea, I'm a bit slow. I'm usually not all that into those CSI/crime shows, I got sick of them after they started popping up everywhere. But I saw som bones and numbers one night by accident (nothing else on) and actually got a little hooked.

    Also, I have actually been to Denmark, SC. It's not quite the same though. ;)
