Thursday, April 7, 2011

Flashback Thursday - April 2006

Let's go back - back to the year 2006.

Remember when...
.... We went to Tigerfest at Towson?

Back when Tigerfest was free for all students (how did us non TU kids get in..?)... We sneaked liquids onto the field in waterbottles... hidden down the shirts of certain people... Someone fell asleep on the field during the main act....We guzzled down cookies and french fries and chicken fingers for dinner from the diner.... hangover food of champions...

Featuring Yellowcard and Mae
 We pregamed at the home of Erin and Stacy

This picture used to be upside down....
It's so easy a caveman could do it...
Feel the love?
And then suddenly.....

Megan was preggo!!! We are still (impatiently) awaiting the arrival of this little miracle child.

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