Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Crazy Viral Videos.

Those twins I blogged about last week?

Here I thought I was blogging something unique.... turns out that since then, they've made the news worldwide and the video has gone viral. Would you believe that even my little tiny blog got hits from people searching google for the talking twins?

On the Danish newspaper- website JP, they show a link to the video as well as an article with the headline "talking babies attracts millions". They appeared, along with their mom, on Good Morning America. The examiner mentions the twins, as does accesshollywood, ABC news, the Ellen Show, CBS news, Fox news..... etc.

The Ellen Show decided to translate the video:

Remember some other videos of the past that have gone viral?

How about the visitdenmark video with Karen seeking her the father of her child?

Or David, all hopped up after a visit to the Dentist?


  1. DEn video er sindssygt underholdene! Det er ret vildt at se, hvor hurtigt sådan nogle klip kan ryge hele verden over. Der er gang i internettet! Tænk at det en gang ikke har eksisteret :)

  2. Ja, hvad gjorde vi dog dengang uden internettet?! ;)
