Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Thoughts on the Preggo situation

I've actually spent quite a bit of time considering how much I wanted to discuss and disclose about my pregnancy online. For various reasons, I'm staying off facebook for a while still. That may sound wierd, but I know for sure that I have very few readers on this blog. I know it is open for strangers, and facebook is only open to my "friends," but alot of thsoe friends are people that I don't actually talk to or interact with on a regular basis. If people find out on here, that's fine too. It's just a personal decision.

Anyway, being pregnant is what occupies most of my brain these days, so it would seem unnatural not to discuss it on my blog as well.

Today, I am 14(+4-ish), so I am in the 15th week of pregnancy. A 'normal' pregnancy is estimated to last 40 weeks. Of course, a full-term baby can fluctuate up to to 3 weeks before and 2 weeks after the due date.

Overall, I am excited. A little bit nervous, but in a good way. Like butterflies in my stomach (is it the baby kicking or is just gas...?)

There are lots of questions and concerns. Will we be good parents? Will the baby be colicky? Do we have enough money and financial security? Will the baby be healthy? Will labor and delivery be healthy and without complications? Will I be able to go full-term?

I think any pregnant woman has some worries about losing the baby. I know, I know, there are alot of varying opinions, but in my mind it is a baby. It's about 4 inches (10cm) long and weighs about 100 grams. I still have another 14 weeks before the baby is considered viable outside the womb if it was born, and it would most likely have alot of medical issues. I/we try not to think too much about it, and just remember that 98-99% of pregnancies that last past 12 weeks end up with perfectly healthy, full-term babies. It is starting to grow hair, pretty soon it can hear sounds, it has developed most of the major organs, it has hands, fingers, feet, and toes.

For now, we are referring to baby as "little dude" (or dudette") "blopper," "junior" or just baby or "it". We plan on finding out the sex of the baby, and after that it will be easier to call it "him" or "her."

Anyway, that's just a little bit of thoughts on preggo-ness. I am sure there will be lots more!

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