Monday, March 28, 2011

Advice needed

This weekend we are having company over x2. First a friend of the boys, plus her boyfriend, are coming to dinner friday night. So it is kind of a couples night-diner.

Saturday morning the boy's brother and family are visiting for brunch.

So what to serve?

At first I was thinking different Tapas for friday night, but since I don't know them that well I also don't know if they will appreciate it - not to mention that it will require alot of time and prep. I am honestly blank for ideas - I am feeling uninspired. I don't want to just serve a roast/steak/good meat with potatoes and bernaise sauce - I want it to be more exciting than that. HELP?

For saturday morning we are making a good, old American brunch. I don't need as much help with that one, but suggestions and recipes are welcome. So far, we are thinking of:
pancakes with syrup, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, baked beans, biscuits, baked tomatoes, fruit (melon and grapes), fresh pressed juice, coffee/tea.

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