Friday, March 25, 2011

Did I do that...?

AHhh one more thing -
I shopped - I finally caved in and shopped. I've been SO good so far - I haven't bought anything! I've been given some presents and such, but other than that - Nothing.

We've been mainly waiting until we move so that we have a place to put everything, and also waiting until we found out the sex of the baby.

Then I found this adorable little sunhat....

And then it just kind of snowballed - because then I found this little shirt with matching little underpants...
(it's unisex, right? right?)

okay, maybe it is a little girly but .... when their that little they don't care, right? right?

And then to balance out the Denmark hat:

 Little tiny bodies that are somwhat America inspired...

it's not much bigger than my hand!


  1. Oh, how I envy you! Mon de bodyer kan fås i DK.. Hold op de er søde!

  2. ahh ja - det er da alt sammen fra h&m lige her i Odense =)
