Thursday, October 21, 2010

Retail Therapy

It's not that I actually needed retail therapy, but sometimes shopping can just be very therapeutic. It's kind of like taking a mental health day.

Today I shopped at H&M online, something that really needs to make it to the US ASAP.

So I bought the above poncho. My sister-in-law (is that what I am supposed to call my boyfriends-brothers-fiance?) has a really cute one that she has been wearing on cold days, mostly outside. I feel like it is a good in-between weather sort of clothes item. Last winter taught me to really splurge on warm clothes because the winter here is long and cold, and my transportation is based on the outdoors. My niece (above mentioneds daughter) also has a really cute one that she wears outside over her witnercoat. Cutest.two-year old.ever.
So they inspired me to find my own.

Then I bought this dress:

Which I think is very nice, and I may choose to wear it for boys birthday party next weekend. I hope it makes it here in time and that it looks super -cute. The color is very different from my other wardrobe, but one of my wardrobe strategies lately has been to expand the color palate.

And then this ordinary long-sleeve t-shirt with a little bit of detail:

Best of all, I had a 25% online coupon deal, so it was all very reasonably priced.

And that was my superficial post of the day. Gaaawsh I love shopping.

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