Monday, October 18, 2010

on today

Today is Monday, October 18th 2010

In the US, it is also National Chocolate Cupcake day.

It is also "National Clean your Virtual desktop day". Have you cleaned your virtual desktop lately? According to wikipedia (the most reliable of sources), each computer has an average of 10 unused items on the desktop.

Alaska day is recognized in Alaska today, since this was the day the territory of Alaska was officially transfered to the US.

In the Virgin Islands, the third monday of October is an official holiday that celebrates the end of the hurricane season.

Clearly there are too mane crazy holidays and awareness months to be able to mention them all, but one that is especially important to mention:

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month
Aside from skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer for women.
In Denmark the campaign is called "Support the boobs." Just like you can buy pink ribbon items in the US, we can buy support the boobs items here.

I'm not necesarily asking that you buy anything or give money or otherwise support breast cancer awareness ths month. I am asking that you go to the website and learn about what you can do to prevent breast cancer (and other cancers), how you can screen yourself, and worrisome signs that mean you should get checked by a doctor. Too many people die every day because of cancer, and prevention and early treatment is one way to raise the number of survivors.

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