Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I found this little Gem on facebook, where several friends had linked to it, and wanted to share.

Ona a different, only slightly related, note:
It seems there is alot of hatred against Obama for various reasons, including some pretty funny accusations that he is not an American citizen, he is actually muslim, he is actually a communist/socialist, he is actually an Arab terrorist. I mean... really?

If you are going to criticize, criticize something real - and not crazy assumptions about religious beliefs, family background etc. If you don't like him for some reason, that's fine, just don't list "He is only pretending to be a Christian, he is actually a muslim. His dad was an Arab muslim terrorist!" as your main reason.

Also, - don't criticize him on the background of "but the economy is not back up yet." It took time to get where the economy is now, it will take time to get it back.

For the record, I am not saying I am totally for Obama. I also believe that criticism of the government is healthy and keeps democracy alive. Just use real criticism, and not biased rumours.

Also, if you chose not to vote, you also lose the right to complain.

// end rant.

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