Friday, August 26, 2011

A birthday and a due date

Yesterday was a fantastic, baby-free birthday - the last one as just another chick and not as someones mother.

The boy woke me up with a birthday song, coffee, and rundstykker. We got to eat breakfast together before he had to leave for a long day of work. I got to take over the couch for some Go'Morgen Danmark and more coffee. This was followed by a brief hormonal meltdown over being overheated, all alone on my birthday, starving children in Africa, missing my mom, and the weather being horrible. Hey, no, it doesn't make sense.

It was made slightly better by a massage, yay, followed by the company of lovely Lene for lunch. We were joined by J for coffee, cake and 'boller' (which, because I am lazy, was instead franskbrød). Later we were joined by C for more coffee and eating and talking.

Finally we were joined by the boyfriend for a while before heading out to Cafe Chinos for huge, gross, greasy, delicious Burgers! Pretty much a perfect day. (Except for the fact that I drank too much coffee and soda all day and all night and I am fairly sure I did not sleep more than about 1.5 hours last night!)

Oh, also I got some great presents!

Today is my due date, which means Little Dude is welcome any time. Come out Come out wherever you are!

1 comment:

  1. Forsinket tillykke! Og ej nej nej! Er det i dag? Gud hvor er det spændende! Glæder mig til du skriver du har født :)

    Gider du sende mig din mailadresse på, så jeg kan sende dig en bloginvite?
