Sunday, October 2, 2011

So far, being a mom is everything I expected and so much more. It is at the same time the most wonderful, beautiful, giving thing in my life, and at the same time the most terrifying and scary thing ever.

There are constant worries - is he eating enough? Is that red mark supposed to be there? Is he comfortable? Does he feel warm? Is he wearing the right clothes?

I would give anything for just 5 hours of un-interrupted sleep or a nice long bath.

But my little Dude is thriving and growing, and he seems happy and well adjusted. He is 4 weeks old today, and he is getting better at being awake, taking the binky, eating on a more regular schedule, and enjoying changing/bathtime. I'm fairly sure we've started seeing the first real smiles, but I'm afraid most of them are just poopy smiles....

The best part of my day is watching him sleep, all peaceful, and listen to his many noises and watch his many facial expressions - he always has his arms placed above his head, and stretches them often.


  1. Cute!

    Nyd din lille bebs. Det går så hurtigt!

  2. Hvor er han dejlig! STORT tillykke igen, selvom det er så længe siden. Blev helt rørt over dit indlæg!
