Saturday, October 29, 2011


The last few days, Little Dude has been 'fussy.'

'Fussy' for Little Dude is actually quite calm compared to the stories I hear from other parents, but it is still heartbreaking for him to be unhappy and not be able to help him. He doesn't scream, but he seems restless and seeks comfort. He has also been a good sleeper for about 3 weeks - but last night he woke up every 3 hours and was hungry and needed some cuddle time.

A little internet research showed me that LD is just in time for his 8 week tigerspring.

I've done some reading on Tigerspring before, but never memorized them or read that much into it. But it is remarkable that he is this on time and pretty much fits the description right on the dot.

He has slowly started to notice that he has hands and that he can actually control those odd things at the end of his arms. It also seems that he is making more conscious noises - 'talking' on purpose.

There are a few of the things I already noticed a while ago: such as the way he has purposely been turning his head toward noises (especially our voices) and he has noticed and been fascinated by shadows on the wall or moving objects.

He is easily overstimulated, but also seems to be quite content and entertained for a long time when he is 'playing' or looking at his toys. But suddenly he gets angry with them and needs comfort.

1 comment:

  1. Hej Christine

    Jeg kan varmt anbefale bogen Vidnunderlige Uger. Den beskriver meget detaljeret om alle tigerspring, og hvad man kan gøre for at hjælpe de små pus igennem dem. Den har i hvert fald hjulpet mig, når jeg har været ved at gå til over en pylret baby:-)
