Friday, July 22, 2011

Still alive

I'm still here and I'm still alive! I can't really say that things have been crazy, but I have beee keeping myself busy. And, as I've come to understand, my energy comes a bit bursts for a few days at a time - only to leave me exhausted and foggy for a day or two after. I think of it is a very, very, mild version of the 'spoon theory' (- NOT that I'm trying to compare myself to those with real, serious, debilitating illnesses. Pregnancy is not a disease! - but it is hard on the body and the mind. Even when you have an easy, uncomplicated, pregnancy.)

Who would have thought, but I'm actually getting a bit caught by the Tour. The Tour de France, that is. Maybe because my ironboyfriend has patiently been trying to explain to me how it actually works and why they do some of the things they do. It is actually much more complex than I ever imagined. I am still a bit confused about the sport though, and I don't quite understand it. It's not really a true individual sport, but it also doesn't really seem like a true team sport either. The entire team works together to bring one cyclist to the win. But when/if he wins, it doesn't really seem as if the rest of the team gets any of the honor. hmmm.


  1. Har det på samme måde med energien. Så kan man lige have et par GO-dage, og så er man bare total smadret dagene efter. Synes godt man kan mærke det her 3. trimester slår lidt hårdt :)

  2. åh ja, og det værste er nu at jeg har svært ved at sove/falde i søvn og har det med at vågne om natten - og så er mit energioverskud hver dag ret afhængig af nattesøvnen dagen før - desværre
