Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Potato Soup and Jetlag

Back to real life, back to updating my life(style?) blog (yeah, I wish this blog had a theme).

Life has been pretty quiet and simple this week. I finally turned in my internship report this week, so now I am going to work beating this jetlag issue. Yes, it's true, I am still suffering from jetlag as well as a little "stomach bug" that has me feeling a little, well, under the weather at times. I pretty much spent the weekend + monday just sleeping, eating, and writing whenever I could. Therefore, I have now turned to tackling jetlag.

Today, I did not succeed, as I woke up with a massive headache that had me feeling sick and staying in bed until mid-day. Not conducive to getting into a normal sleep rhythm. It doesn't help that I've had problems actually falling asleep as well as waking up pretty steadily at around 3 AM every night.

Anyway, enough whining. After spending the morning in bed I spent the afternoon with my friend C and home-baked muffins, yummy yummy (not made by me but made by C)This was followed by a very exciting trip to the grocery store before returning home to make delicious delicious soup for dinner: kartoffel porre suppe. - which I believe is translated into potato soup with leeks and carrots.

Let me let you in on my little trick for this soup, since I don't have pictures to share: I start out by browning and crisping bacon pieces in the bottom of a big pot. I then spoon the bacon out onto a plate covered with a paper towel. I use the remaining bacon grease and bacon flavor to saute the onions before adding the rest of my ingredients. I feel like it gives the soup a little extra kick. Plus the bacon bits taste really good on top.(see list of ingredients to follow)

That's all for that quarter folks!

Potato soup
bacon bits,
two leeks
pound of potatoes
3 carrots

water 2 cups?
milk 2 cups?
a tiny bit of chili powder
2 chicken broth tablets (or, if you are an overachieve you make your own chicken or vegetable stock but I'm just not that awesome - today)

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