Friday, February 11, 2011

Dear Readers

A few weeks ago my friend Erin wrote a blog post about how life can change in an instant. She mentions two friends, and I guess it's time to let the cat out of the bag, to all of you anxiously waiting readers ;) One of those friends is me, and I have some pretty good life changing things happening. If you read this blog, you probably already know what I'm about to write about, so it won't come as a very big surprise to any of you.

Today we are starting to let the world know about a tiny little change in our lives that will happen in 2011. In order to make a qualified guess, you should continue to the rest of the post

This is Little Dude (or dudette- we don't know yet). Little Dude is about 12 weeks old, 2.5 inches long, and very active. In this photo you see Little Dude in a profile view, waving with one arm and holding out one thumb. Of course you also can see a leg, a head, and a nose (a little bit of it anyway). Personally, I think Little Dude is super super cute, but we will have to wait until the end of August for final confirmation of that statement.

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