Thursday, February 11, 2010

on Valentines Day

I’m pretty sure that most people have ambivalent feelings about the whole concept of ‘Valentines Day.’

People in relationships love Valentines Day, look forward to it, celebrate it, and make all the single people feel even worse about themselves than they already did. At the same time, they might feel a lot of stress because of the pressure for the day to be as close to perfect as possible.

Single people tend to hate Valentines Day because it reminds them of everything they don’t have, and because it seems to be a societal expectation that you must be in love and in a relationship to be happy.

As someone who was happily and (mostly) voluntarily single for a long time, I’ll let you know that it is indeed possible to be happy without being in a relationship. It’s my personal belief that it is necessary to be happy on your own to also have the ability to be happy with someone else. ANYWAY, this year I am lucky enough to be celebrating Valentines Day as one-half of a couple. Looking back, I think this is actually the first time I will be celebrating Valentines Day A) in a relationship, B) with my significant other, and C) on the actual day. This is all pretty impressive considering Valentines Day is a very American holiday that has only recently been adopted by other countries.
As happy as I am to be able to celebrate Valentines Day with a special someone this year, I am also feeling a little sad and nostalgic. Why, you might ask? Well, because I’ve spent the last three Valentines days with my Brothelites, some of the people I love most in this world. With everyone being graduated and moving on with their lives, it means our tradition of Valentines Day Fondue has officially come to an end. The last three years we have celebrated Valentines Day as a group, with lots of delicious food and even more wine and champagne. As with everything else we did, we came as a group package deal. V-Day for us was always a happy mix of couples, singles, and everyone in between. Everyone was always welcome at the Brothel.
As with most things in life, all good things must come to an end. In this case, it is being replaced by something just as good. I’m just glad I can think back on Valentines Day at the Brothel with many fond memories.

Valentines Day 2007
(Christine, Sara, Katy, Derek)

Valentines Day 2009
(Gerdes, Shiela, Rachael, Monika, Jessica)

I miss and love you guys <3

PS Happy Valentines Day!



  1. Do you remember the year that we had a 'daddy - daughter' valentines day date? I think we wore those matching pink shirts and everything...ahh those were the days!

  2. yes, I do remember those horrid pink shirts we wore... and also how we promised each other we would have real dates the next valentines day <3
