Tuesday, January 24, 2012

food and such

Today, Little Dude ate en entire half banana! Woot. We've been starting on solids, and let me tell you - it's a battle! 

But I think it is starting to go better. I mean, we're not really in a hurry or anything,  but it is kind of frustrating not to see progress. That changed today though, when we actually finished a meal! One half mushed banana. yummy yummy. 

Also, we just bought tickets for the US for this summer. We are so excited to be spending nearly 4 weeks across the pond with my family.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

in the year 2011

We entered the year 2011 with a sweet, sweet secret: We were expecting a baby. Affectionately nicknamed 'Little Dude' by Sofie. 

The first few months of 2011 were hectic, exciting, and stressful. We were busy looking for a bigger apartment, figuring out financials, taking exams, getting ready to move, and of course worrying about Little Dude. Hoping for a healthy baby. Wondering if we would be good parents.

On February 14th we moved into the small apartment that would be our temporary home. On the same day we signed the paperwork for our 'big' apartment. We had our first ultrasound scan, that showed a healthy baby. We started telling everyone outside of our families.

Spring went by fast, with school and doctors visits, getting ready to move. 

In April we became Aunt and Uncle.
We found out that we were expecting a boy.
And of course we moved into our new apartment.

In june, we attended a beautiful wedding in Vejle. 
In July, my belly grew bigger and bigger... we tried to enjoy the summer, even though we weren't able to travel much. Boy completed a half-iron man.

In August - we were relieved to have gone full-term with Little Dude. My cousins threw me a baby shower. We were 'faddere' (-godparents -ish) for our beautiful niece. I turned 24 - impatiently awaiting the arrival of Little Dude. Boy started his internship.

On September 2, my water broke, and on September 4th we became parents! I was in labor gthe entire time Erin was getting married.... although Little Dude did not endup sharing his birthday with their anniversary. We were also lucky enough to have my mother visit us at the end of September. 

In October, we had our anniversary, boy had a birthday, and little dude had a babysitter for the first time.

In November, we celebrated Mortens Aften for the first time. We also celebrated a very Danish Thanksgiving, complete with a duck, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, gravy, coleslaw, and pumpkin pie. 

In December, my family came to visit. We had our first christmas as a new, young family. 

We entered 2012 full of hope for another exciting, beautiful year - although we do hope (secretly) that it will not be quite as eventful as 2011.

Happy New Year everyone

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Still Alive!

The holidays, affectionately known as 'the Christmas show 2011' are now over, and we are all still alive. Barely.
I kid.

We did all get sick over the holidays though, and then again as soon as we got home again in the new year. But I think we are all getting better now, and ready to meet 2012 with open arms.

2011 was a great year for us. It was challenging, yes, but also exciting and thrilling and GOOD. I hope everyone has entered 2012 healthily and happily. We are definately excited for this year!