It’s really hard to sit down and write a final paper when you feel endlessly out of practice writing anything academic. How did this happen?!?! (desperately pulls at hair...)
I used to be able to churn out papers in a night, sometimes without even losing any sleep. Yeah, granted, they were short 3-7 pagers, but still. A 15-25 pager should, by the same math, only take about 5 days, right? I mean, at the most. I’ve chugged out a few 10 pagers in one night before as well (*hopes parents, teachers, and future employees don’t read this…). They weren’t all great – but hey, turning something in and passing is better than the alternative….
Yet here I am, almost 3 weeks before this report is due, trying to write something genius, and kind of drawing a blank. Project Management. Hmm. I already have a problem statement, and I’m writing out the project. I feel fairly comfortable in the material. So fingers, work your magic! – Type out 15 pages of intelligence!
Desperately seeking inspiration. Until then – I may go clean something, take a walk, watch tv, read some blogs, and make some lists about what I’m going to write about
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Procrastination is like...
Monday, May 30, 2011
Weekly Roundup
Selections of what I did this week
- Slept a whole lot - baking a baby inside you is tiring
- Had a girls night at my house to watch the Paradise Hotel finale
- Saw Elias Ehlers do standup at Reciprokken - friday bar at the technical school - He was funny
- Saw my adorable beyond words nieces and their parents.
- Finally got to try out the playground by our house (I've been waiting for kids to visit us - I thought it would be slightly creepy if I played there by myself...)
Friday, May 27, 2011
Are you afraid of the dark?
I mean, it's not that I'm afraid of the dark. No, definately not. It's just that I don't like to watch scary movies. In fact, I actively choose not to watch them. I also find myself avoiding shows like CSI when I'm home alone. It's just because... you know, they seem so much more real when you're home alone and your brain has been filled with rapists, gangfights, ghosts, burglars, murderers, and hauntings....
Like last night, the highlight of my night should have been spending the evening with the girls, eating lasagna and watching the Paradise Finale (and it was, really!). But then we accidentally watched "Ånderne - Vender Tilbage" - a show about people who feel haunted in thieir homes and then a medium visits them and knows all this crap about them and then gets rid of the ghosts, usually - and I definately don't believe in that stuff. It's kind of like horoscopes, natural remedies and stuff.
I really want not to believe in it. My brain knows that statistics and so on tells me that it's just not real - like the medium on the show definately could just have known about this family since she was from the area. They were probably just being robbed. et Cetera. et Cetera.
For some reason though, I still found myself avoiding getting up and going to the bathroom last night when I woke up at about 3 AM. Do you know how hard that is for a pregnant lady?
So yeah. I'm definately not afraid of the dark. Just the scary things that hide in the dark. And ghosts. Even thought they totally don't exist.
In other news, tomorrow I get to play aunt Christine to my adorable little nieces. Yippity Yay.
Like last night, the highlight of my night should have been spending the evening with the girls, eating lasagna and watching the Paradise Finale (and it was, really!). But then we accidentally watched "Ånderne - Vender Tilbage" - a show about people who feel haunted in thieir homes and then a medium visits them and knows all this crap about them and then gets rid of the ghosts, usually - and I definately don't believe in that stuff. It's kind of like horoscopes, natural remedies and stuff.
I really want not to believe in it. My brain knows that statistics and so on tells me that it's just not real - like the medium on the show definately could just have known about this family since she was from the area. They were probably just being robbed. et Cetera. et Cetera.
For some reason though, I still found myself avoiding getting up and going to the bathroom last night when I woke up at about 3 AM. Do you know how hard that is for a pregnant lady?
So yeah. I'm definately not afraid of the dark. Just the scary things that hide in the dark. And ghosts. Even thought they totally don't exist.
In other news, tomorrow I get to play aunt Christine to my adorable little nieces. Yippity Yay.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Vacation ideas
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Florida - November 2005 My munchkin by the water |
For one of the first times I can remember, I am now facing a summer without a vacation destination. I probably won't be leaving the country (unless it's to go shopping in Flensborg), and won't even be camping or staying at a beach house.
- We have better/other things to spend our money on
- It's not practical - I can't fly - and we can't know what my health/condition will be like in July and August.
We're thinking Sonderborg for 'ringridning' - it's been about 10 years since I last went, and boy has never experienced it. We're thinking Copenhagen to visit boys family and the adorable little nieces, and possibly something touristy in CPH? And of course, a trip to my grandparents beachhouse to visit, as well as getting our home ready for a third inhabitant.
If anyone has exciting, pregnant-friendly (and cheap/budget-friendly) ideas for things to do in Odense, Sonderborg, or Copenhagen, all ideas are welcome!
Flashback Thursday - Vacation Edition
One of my only regrets from the college days (you know, if I believed in regrets...) would be never going on "Spring Break woohoo." I did, however, go on Spring Break. With addyday #2, Erin, Cari, and some others. And it was fun, too. I wouldn't have done without it. It just wasn't "wooohoo."
Todays flashback goes back to March of junior year, to the Florida Keys, to scuba diving...
Let's go back, shall we? Back to the year 2008:
It's not even that I'm really the "Spring break woohoo" type - it's just that now it's too late to go on a vacation based only on drinking and partying. (Although - I really don't think I'm missing all that much).
Todays flashback goes back to March of junior year, to the Florida Keys, to scuba diving...
Let's go back, shall we? Back to the year 2008:
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A few pictures from the resort |
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A few of our group getting ready for dinner time |
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Daytrip to Key West and the Southernmost Point of the US. |
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Key West - watching the Cruise ship take off, |
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Crazy weather, crazy pretty water. |
flashback thursday,
remember when?,
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Things I would tweet if I actually used Twitter
I made it a point over a few days to write down some things I would have tweeted if I used Twitter, and now I'm considering starting using it again - although possibly that's just a really poor idea, because it would just make me sound really crazy, and also because I don't really know anyone who uses twitter and no one would ever read my crazy/genious statements
Second most read article on right now “Man caught having sex with pony.”
Did you know Denmark is the only country in the world in which it is (still?) legal to have sex with animals?
Cookies for you if you understand the reference.
The cats ate the love fern though, so I feel like I can only take partial blame for that one. Although, what kind of mother would I be if I let the cats eat my baby?
The cats also ate my betta fish – Sebastian.
His replacement was named Joebama Flacco – because he was purple (like the Ravens) and the Ravens were in the playoffs. And because I got him on inauguration day in 2009.
The cactus has been named Svenning. Like the news reporter on TV2 – he reported from the earthquake in Japan (Svenning Dalgaard).
Good thing we don't own cats.
Second most read article on right now “Man caught having sex with pony.”
Did you know Denmark is the only country in the world in which it is (still?) legal to have sex with animals?
Sometimes a word document asks me if I want to save my changes when I don’t remember making any changes. This makes me suspicious. Like there are tiny unicorns making changes in my documents when I’m not watching.
Somewhere, someone is having a lot of fun kicking me off the internet every 5 minutes. This is making me want to punch something. Or someone.
I really need to get a haircut. Why I am too cheap to spend 50$ on a haircut? Who wants to trim my hair for me?
The only times I wish I wasn’t pregnant: when shopping or daydreaming about cute summer outfits. And: sitting in the backyard in the sun, grilling, and everyone around me opens an ice-cold beer.
I like Cookies.
Seriously, the boy opened a beer nearby me the other day, and never has a Slotspilsner ever smelled so good.
Am I crazy? I can’t even keep plants alive. Poor Little Dude.
That’s a lie. I’ve kept a cactus alive now for 3 months. I kept a little tree/love fern alive for longer than that (it’s name was Benji – like Benjamin from “How to lose a guy in 10 days) Cookies for you if you understand the reference.
The cats ate the love fern though, so I feel like I can only take partial blame for that one. Although, what kind of mother would I be if I let the cats eat my baby?
The cats also ate my betta fish – Sebastian.
His replacement was named Joebama Flacco – because he was purple (like the Ravens) and the Ravens were in the playoffs. And because I got him on inauguration day in 2009.
The cactus has been named Svenning. Like the news reporter on TV2 – he reported from the earthquake in Japan (Svenning Dalgaard).
“Apparently Obama’s birth certificate was bin Ladins last horcrux” – Gotta love a Harry Potter reference.
Boy put down veto on the name Svenning for a baby though, so I used it for the cactus. HAHA!
Good thing we don't own cats.
Follow me on BlogLovin!
I'm trying to expand - or, well, I'm trying to become even more of a Blogger Geek. So you can now follow me on Bloglovin.
Don't mind this text, it's just the my access code.
Follow my blog with bloglovin
Don't mind this text, it's just the my access code.
Follow my blog with bloglovin
Have I distracted you with this cute ducky picture? |
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Mah Belly! 26+ weeks
It's been a while since I spammed belly pictures, so here we go, fresh pictures taken just this morning.
So no, I'm not really that huge but I definately feel and see the difference.
After the jump, a few pictures that I forgot to post last week......
26 weeks + a few days |
26 weeks plus a few days |
After the jump, a few pictures that I forgot to post last week......
These are a few of my favorite things...
Apartment - Picture spamming
It's all in the details
My dishwasher!, may be the best part of the kitchen, plus it is super cute (it's the little things..) |
View out of my kitchen window into the backyard |
Every home should have a coffee corner. |
Moving on into the living room
This is my cactus, Svenning. |
This is my newest plant, his name is Jorgen. There are no cats in this home to kill these plants, so I guess it's all on me... (these plants should be nearly impossible to kill) |
My pink/red China dolls! Proudly on display in the windows |
Monday, May 23, 2011
I won something!
Way back a long long long time ago (in like - April) I apparently participated in a giveaway on a blog, and CHECK IT! I won this owl-lover painting
Goes perfectly with the current owl-craze going on everywhere! Now, where will this find a home?
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Sunday, May 22, 2011
Weekly Roundup
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Lily and Marshall - the new Ross and Rachel |
It's Sunday, the day of rest, and another week has gone by! It's been a good week. Let's do a roundup, shall we?
- I rounded 26 weeks - and by rounded, I mean, I am now even more round.
- Swimming still feels good, but makes my arms hurt. Possibly because I tend to forget to kick - meaning my arms are pulling my heavy body almost exclusively.
- On Thursday, I had my last class ever. (Barring any further education, such as an MBA or some sort of diploma etc.) Rephrase: last class as a regular student!
- My aunt and uncle approved our new apartment (and, I found out, are readers of this blog? - at least on of them is)
- Little Dude starting doing a new trick that literally makes my belly jump and vibrate. I'm thinking somersaults?
- Starting to count down the days for my Lene to return to me from farfaraway land - Thailand. I'm only a little bit jealous of their adventures!
- Shout out to newly engaged Heather and John - today I figured out why I love Marshall and Lily so much on HIMYM - they remind me of you guys! (except I think you may actually be cuter...)
I literally laughed out loud when I read this article, and felt a little thankful that no one has gone out of their way to tell me horror stories about childbirth, labor, delivery, and motherhood.... yet! Actually, people have been suspiciously silent, which is also making me worry about what I'm getting myself into.
Caroline Wozniacki won her fourth title of 2011yesterday and looks to be in prime form for the French Open starting today! Here's hoping for a Grand Slam title!
in the news,
little dude,
Weekly Roundup
Thursday, May 19, 2011
It is entirely coincidental that this turned into a Top 10
- Little Dude is kicking me as I speak (write?).
- Got my hair cut today, a good 2-3 inches or so, overcoming my
irrationalfear of the hairdresser. - Had my last class (probably) ever.
- Boy and I celebrated with some sparkly afterwards. As in lemon-lime soda.
- In class, we learned about Jung and Myer-Briggs personality testing. I'm an INFJ (introvert, intuitive, feeling, judgemental).
- Is it wierd that may main worry was "what if it tells me I don't have a personality?"!!!?!?
- Currently having a major wardrobe crisis because I am enormous, nothing fits, or I've already worn that outfit around these people. The occasion is a 25th birthday party tonight.
- I think Little Dude may have the hiccups right now.
- I should probably have about 27 blogs on different topcs because this blog is turning into a cornucopia of random thoughts from my mind.
- I'm still not sure why I have a blog or why I write the things I do.
little dude,
top 10
The most marketable sportswoman?
Probably not who you think it is...
... it's our very own Danish tennis darling, little miss sunshine, Caroline Wozniacki.
Yes, in a study (completed by SportsPro) of the most marketable sportspeople in the world, Caroline placed #9, the top ranking female.
Usain Bolt was #1 and you cans see the entire list here.
I have to add that I think it is significant to note that since this is not an Olympic year, some of the rankings will probably look very very different next year. I foresee Michael Phelps (only #8 this year) (wtf?) skyrocketing even higher, and probably some of the basketball players as well. If Caroline wins a grand slam this year, she might move up as well.
(Personally I'm missing Ryan Lochte on the list (although he will certainly make an appearance next year!))
Sports marketing - another interesting area of communication.
... it's our very own Danish tennis darling, little miss sunshine, Caroline Wozniacki.
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from |
Yes, in a study (completed by SportsPro) of the most marketable sportspeople in the world, Caroline placed #9, the top ranking female.
Usain Bolt was #1 and you cans see the entire list here.
I have to add that I think it is significant to note that since this is not an Olympic year, some of the rankings will probably look very very different next year. I foresee Michael Phelps (only #8 this year) (wtf?) skyrocketing even higher, and probably some of the basketball players as well. If Caroline wins a grand slam this year, she might move up as well.
(Personally I'm missing Ryan Lochte on the list (although he will certainly make an appearance next year!))
Sports marketing - another interesting area of communication.
in the news,
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
And then I got to thinking
Have you ever thought about how certain TV shows can relate to most situations in life?
The best example, in my own humble opinion, is FRIENDS. Something happens in my life very often than can either be related to Friends or improved with a little quote from Friends. Maybe this is because I've just seen all the episodes entirely too many times... - or maybe it just really is that genius?
Another show that can relate to life, or so I've been told, is The Simpsons. Since I've never watched much of the Simpsons, I'm probably not the best judge. But since alot of The Simpsons is based on parodies on real-world situations, it probably shouldn't count.
Other than that, I think Sex and the City would be a good contender for bringing up real-life issues - even though they tend to be over done sometimes.
If you and your group of friends were the character from SATC, who would you be? Who would your friends be? I've actually had this discussion with a few different groups of girl friends, and it is equally entertaining each time. But really - Who would you be?
PS I like to believe I would be a combination of Miranda and Carrie.
The best example, in my own humble opinion, is FRIENDS. Something happens in my life very often than can either be related to Friends or improved with a little quote from Friends. Maybe this is because I've just seen all the episodes entirely too many times... - or maybe it just really is that genius?
Another show that can relate to life, or so I've been told, is The Simpsons. Since I've never watched much of the Simpsons, I'm probably not the best judge. But since alot of The Simpsons is based on parodies on real-world situations, it probably shouldn't count.
Other than that, I think Sex and the City would be a good contender for bringing up real-life issues - even though they tend to be over done sometimes.
If you and your group of friends were the character from SATC, who would you be? Who would your friends be? I've actually had this discussion with a few different groups of girl friends, and it is equally entertaining each time. But really - Who would you be?
PS I like to believe I would be a combination of Miranda and Carrie.
it's the Final Countdown....
... well, kind of...
Today marks 100 days until my due date. Craziness. (not that I count down every day, but it's fun to think that it is now just double digits). Just think - in 4 months we will certainly be parents.
Today marks 100 days until my due date. Craziness. (not that I count down every day, but it's fun to think that it is now just double digits). Just think - in 4 months we will certainly be parents.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I'd like to disclaim that I have nothing against the color blue. In fact, I luuurve blue! It is one of my favorite colors. I am just a little bit frustrated at the baby clothes selections in most store. And the toy selections. I'm sure there will be more posts on this in the future.
However, don't be alarmed, Little Dude will be wearing lots of different shades of blue, but I'd like him to also know and wear other colors. I am also certain that owning some purple items will not make him gender-confused (Besides, since he will most likely be very pale, blonde, and blue-eyed, I have a feeling blue will be a good color on him).
However, don't be alarmed, Little Dude will be wearing lots of different shades of blue, but I'd like him to also know and wear other colors. I am also certain that owning some purple items will not make him gender-confused (Besides, since he will most likely be very pale, blonde, and blue-eyed, I have a feeling blue will be a good color on him).
Monday, May 16, 2011
Making a house a home... a work in progress.
These are just a few select pictures from the new crib. Things have been happening ever since I took these pictures about 10 days ago, but I wanted to give an overview of the place - the focus is on my favorite room, see if you can guess which one it is...
Overall, we have all the major things in place, but still need the finishing touches. We are finding pictures of 'us', friends, and family to hang on the wall, and looking for a nice collage-type frame for them. We have a few pictures/paintings for the bedroom, but still need to finalize the interior (we still need to fit a baby bed in there..).
And we are still deciding on something for the dining room wall. We are thinking possibly a NYC skyline or city picture, but if we go that direction I want to find the exact right picture. I'm still not sure if it's too overdone and cliche? My other thoughts included a GIANT clock on the wall. Or something REALLY colorful. hmm
These are just a few select pictures from the new crib. Things have been happening ever since I took these pictures about 10 days ago, but I wanted to give an overview of the place - the focus is on my favorite room, see if you can guess which one it is...
View from the front door to our shoes and jackets. I'd like to point out that boy has more shoes than me on display. |
View from the kitchen into the Dining room. We now have a new table and chairs and it looks slightly different. |
Corner of kitchen, we have a microwave! We still need to hang the clock on the wall. |
Stove and oven and cooking accessories. |
I can't wait until I'm allowed into this cabinet again! |
Welcome to a touch of Africa in our living room!
Boy souvenirs from Ghana. I am in love with the animals. |
more souvenirs from Ghana. I am even more in love with the 'African mother and child' |
And a little bedroom teaser....
Overall, we have all the major things in place, but still need the finishing touches. We are finding pictures of 'us', friends, and family to hang on the wall, and looking for a nice collage-type frame for them. We have a few pictures/paintings for the bedroom, but still need to finalize the interior (we still need to fit a baby bed in there..).
And we are still deciding on something for the dining room wall. We are thinking possibly a NYC skyline or city picture, but if we go that direction I want to find the exact right picture. I'm still not sure if it's too overdone and cliche? My other thoughts included a GIANT clock on the wall. Or something REALLY colorful. hmm
It makes me feel a little angry inside
Spent the morning on campus, turning in the introduction, thesis, and literature list for my final in Project Management. I then took advantage of being in the area to stop by Bilka (what I like to call the Danish Target equivalent) to pick up those essential items that you can only get at a place like Bilka or Target!
Whenever I go shopping, I can't help but stop by the baby departments. I'm really, really, really trying to limit my purchases and buy things on sale. - and to only buy things that I really like or are really necesary. It seems that I've perfected the practice of walking around, checking prices and clothes and yet only buying a few items. This is good. I like perusing the clothes and finding a good deal, and figuring out exactly what I still need in different sizes.
However - look at these pictures and tell me if you find anything just a little wrong:
Whenever I go shopping, I can't help but stop by the baby departments. I'm really, really, really trying to limit my purchases and buy things on sale. - and to only buy things that I really like or are really necesary. It seems that I've perfected the practice of walking around, checking prices and clothes and yet only buying a few items. This is good. I like perusing the clothes and finding a good deal, and figuring out exactly what I still need in different sizes.
However - look at these pictures and tell me if you find anything just a little wrong:
Think this is bad? I also fell in love with these little bodystocking with Winnie the Pooh:
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You can't really tell, but the body is a pale pink and comes in a set of two. The other one is a darker shade of pink. |
The only problem is: Pink is probably the only color Little Dude will not be wearing until the day he can pick out his own clothing and decides pink is the right fit for him. Not matter how enlightened I like to believe I am, I still have a mental block ainst the color pink on a boy- mostlyy because I'm afraid he will hate me when he gets older.
The boy choices just weren't as cute, and I'm really just not that big a fan of the velour:
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I'm sorry for the quality of these photos. They were taken with my cell phone. |
This is my favorite part:
If you don't understand the Danish -I'd like to point out that 'pige' means girl and 'drenge' means boy. Yes, that's right, they've even labeled the clothe diapers/burpclothes and the towels by sex so that you remember to buy the correct color for your child!
WHY is it impossible to find non-gendered clothing - what's wrong with green, yellow, red?
Out of downright protest, I bought this:
Supposedly 'girly' clothe diapers for my little boy. |
Even though it was labeled as being the color "girl". Haha! And besides, purple can also be super manly - it's the color of the Ravens!
feminist rant,
little dude,
retail therapy,
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Seriously? Seriously?
What's up with this Eurovision BS? Sorry, it's just not as good as when we were young(er). Most of the songs in the top were just - not very good. The actual good songs didn't make it very far (with the exception of Denmark, of course).
The Danish song:
The Danish song:
Made it to 5th place, barely -
And the winners from Aserbaijan:
I just don't understand
Son't even get me started on all these random countries outside of Europe participating? Why even call it Eurovision? - Let's just open it to rest of the world while we're at it.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
When I get married.....
I want it to be classic, simple and elegant.... and full of lace (You know, when that happens sometime in the 22nd century).
And here you can see where Princess/Dutchess Catherine (may or may not) have found the inspiration for her own wedding dress. I can see how it is kind of a combination of the beautiful, classic Grace Kelly dress (the collar, the sleeves) and the dress princess Marie wore (the lace) a few years ago when she got married here in Denmark:
I'm personally not crazy about the mermaid cut in Maries dress and prefer the higher waisted ala Princess Grace and Princess Cate.
And here you can see where Princess/Dutchess Catherine (may or may not) have found the inspiration for her own wedding dress. I can see how it is kind of a combination of the beautiful, classic Grace Kelly dress (the collar, the sleeves) and the dress princess Marie wore (the lace) a few years ago when she got married here in Denmark:
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from BT |
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
An Apple a day?
Are you an Apple person? I’m not talking about being Apple-bottomed, or eating an Apple a day (to keep the doctor away). No, I’m talking about the gadgets – the Iphone, the Ipad, the Mac, the Ipod (do people even still have Ipods?).
The reason I ask is because Apple was named the best Brand Value yesterday by the Financial Times. Branding is one of my fascinations – dare I say ‘passions’? (within academia, of course).
I must admit – I’m not an Apple person. I own one thing from Apple: it’s an Ipod from 2005 with accompanying Itunes. The Ipod is rarely in use anymore, but Itunes is a frequent visitor in our home. But I kind of wish I were an Apple person - if I had an Iphone and a Mac, I would be just that much cooler.
Why was Apple the top pick this year? Personally, I think it’s because Apple has managed to combine an essence of luxury with the idea that ‘everyone can have it.” A Mac is not cheap – but if you want it, you can probably find the money for it in your budget.
The Apple logo is cool, hip, and urban. It can make most people feel just a little more tech savvy. If you have an Iphone, you probably like to show it off. People don’t feel ashamed to show off the Apple logo. People talk about them “I looove my Iphone” or “I’m so getting the new Iphone.” And my favorite: “Mac or PC?” - as if you can only be one type of person, and Mac is clearly the cooler type of person.
Apple has also created the need for their products. They’ve told us that they are cool, that they work better than the competition, and created an image of youth around their products.
Some of the other top names: Google (previously # 1), IBM, Coca Cola, China Mobile, MacDonalds, Microsoft.
What do you think of Apple? Does the list surprise you? What Brand means the most to you in your own everyday life?
The reason I ask is because Apple was named the best Brand Value yesterday by the Financial Times. Branding is one of my fascinations – dare I say ‘passions’? (within academia, of course).
I must admit – I’m not an Apple person. I own one thing from Apple: it’s an Ipod from 2005 with accompanying Itunes. The Ipod is rarely in use anymore, but Itunes is a frequent visitor in our home. But I kind of wish I were an Apple person - if I had an Iphone and a Mac, I would be just that much cooler.
Why was Apple the top pick this year? Personally, I think it’s because Apple has managed to combine an essence of luxury with the idea that ‘everyone can have it.” A Mac is not cheap – but if you want it, you can probably find the money for it in your budget.
The Apple logo is cool, hip, and urban. It can make most people feel just a little more tech savvy. If you have an Iphone, you probably like to show it off. People don’t feel ashamed to show off the Apple logo. People talk about them “I looove my Iphone” or “I’m so getting the new Iphone.” And my favorite: “Mac or PC?” - as if you can only be one type of person, and Mac is clearly the cooler type of person.
Apple has also created the need for their products. They’ve told us that they are cool, that they work better than the competition, and created an image of youth around their products.
Some of the other top names: Google (previously # 1), IBM, Coca Cola, China Mobile, MacDonalds, Microsoft.
What do you think of Apple? Does the list surprise you? What Brand means the most to you in your own everyday life?
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Ynk Ynk - A pathetic weekend, pregnancy wise
Ugh, so I've just had one of those pathetic pregnant weekends where everything has been wrong and hurting. Thankfully, I am already feeling much better today, but perhaps it is time to slow down even further and realize that my body just can't handle the same things as before.
It all started friday, after we went swimming. For many, many * reasons, it had been three weeks since my last trip to the pool, which is really also my only current source of real exercise (except for walking, biking, and vacuuming..). Now, I've been really good about not pushing myself too hard during swimming, not sprinting, no underwater, trying to never get really out of breath or anything. Friday was no different. I actually was feeling pretty heavy in the water and felt super super slow. I never swam fast or anything.
It might have been too much for me though, because my arms have been hurting ever since. Not feeling sore - I know what sore feels like - but hurting. It also seems to have aggravated my hip (a recurring symptom) and not doing anything good for my thigh (another recurring symptom). Ugh, no sleep and lots of pain later, now it's sunday, and I'm feeling a bit better.
Little Dude has been super active though, and for some reason that just makes it all a little bit better - I can't really complain when he starts punching and kicking me from the inside. Feeling him move around, kicking, punching, cartwheeling, swimming - whatever it is - just makes the world seem at peace.
Also, the picture at the top is the view out of the bedroom - more pics to follow!
*First, there was Easter, where the pool for some reason was closed, except during the hours 6 AM-8:30 AM. Yea, no way I was getting out of bed for that. Boy did go twice though, kudos to him. Then there was the move, followed by a week of feeling beyond exhausted. Then there was the whole "my suit doesn't fit anymore because I am becoming a giant whale" dilemma, where I had to go buy a new suit. And then there were two trips to the pool where we were idiots who forgot to check the opening hours and had to go back home...
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Why you should never, ever get pregnant - or, Things I'm going to appreciate SO much more come September.
Top Ten things I would do right now if I wasn't trying to grow a tiny human inside of me.
- Drink an ice cold beer
- Go shopping for summer dresses
- Go for a run in our new neighborhood down by the water
- Drink a giant Margarita
- Dye my hair and get rid of the horrible roots
- Eat Sushi!! Mhhhmmm Unagi.... Salmon Skin Roll...
- Make vacation plans to go to Thailand (to visit Lene) and to join the family in Aruba in July.
- Stay out and go dancing all night and go to Fødelsdagen at HCØ
- Read a book not called "What to expect when you're expecting" (or something with a similar title)
Have a blog that wasn't centered around pregnancy and babies.- Probably not have any inspiration to write anything on a blog.
Flashback Thursday - May 2009
After looking through all of my old pictures (digital photos - they go back to spring 2005) I have come to the conclusion that with the exception of May 2009 I have never done anything interesting in May. At least nothing that has been documented in pictures.
And so since May 2009 had at least one legendary experience - college graduation, duuh! - I guess it's time to document that experience with a few pictures. (Yes, I realize my last flashback was also spring 2009 - but really - who knew nothing interesting happens in May?)
And so, without further ado, Let's go back - back to the year 2009.
Let's also note that since I try to show appropriate pictures on this site and try to respect my friends privacy, there were ALOT of pictures from this specific week that could not be posted on a public site. E-mail me for copies.
And so since May 2009 had at least one legendary experience - college graduation, duuh! - I guess it's time to document that experience with a few pictures. (Yes, I realize my last flashback was also spring 2009 - but really - who knew nothing interesting happens in May?)
And so, without further ado, Let's go back - back to the year 2009.
Lene came to visit - it was a surprise for all
We caught the moment Sofie saw her on camera....
Lots of graduates waiting outside for the processional |
Lots of graduates and family and friends. Check out Prez Mote walking out, shaking hands with students. Also I think itøs Leon Panetta - commencement speaker - walking next to him |
Let's also note that since I try to show appropriate pictures on this site and try to respect my friends privacy, there were ALOT of pictures from this specific week that could not be posted on a public site. E-mail me for copies.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
That weight thing
Depending on how you know me, it may come as either a huge suprise or no suprise at all, but here is the naked truth: I'm one of those girls. You know, one of those girls who has struggled with her weight since... well, pretty much as long as I can remember being aware of the concept.
Let's not get into the gritty details. I've been a bit of a yo-yo er. Sometimes it's been under control by exercise and sports, and other times it's been out of control - for many reasons. And let's face it, if you're a chick, and maybe if you're a dude, you've probably had some of the same issues. You may be underweight, overweight, eating disordered, athlete, curvy, skinny, big-boned.....
These questions have often occupied my mind: How does my self esteem affect my weight issues? How do my weight issues affect my self esteem? Where did it start, and where does it end?
We've all had those days where "I feel fat and ugly." - "No one likes me." or "starting tomorrow I'm never eating pizza again...!" and my personal favorite "...but since my diet doesn't start until tomorrow, I'm finishing up this pizza, and this cake..."
Some days the insecurities hit me, because I want the whole world to be able to see, really see, that my protruding belly is a BABY, and not a beer belly or the result of too many cookies. But I know with myself that this isn't the way I usually look, and most days I love the round, very womanly shape I have acquired. My hips are slightly wider (hard to believe THAT was actually possible), my belly is rounding and protruding, and I have a, well, pretty nice rack. Ahem.
Let's not get into the gritty details. I've been a bit of a yo-yo er. Sometimes it's been under control by exercise and sports, and other times it's been out of control - for many reasons. And let's face it, if you're a chick, and maybe if you're a dude, you've probably had some of the same issues. You may be underweight, overweight, eating disordered, athlete, curvy, skinny, big-boned.....
![]() |
Prom 2005 - a skinny, 17 year old Christine - about 145 pounds. (I feel like I look like a bobble-head from this tiem period) |
Personally, I'm a little bit of everything. My body was never meant to weight 120 pounds. Or even 140. I tend to build muscle tone pretty easily, and I have hips, breasts, a wide ribcage (I blame a good set of lungs from swimming) and massive calves.
These questions have often occupied my mind: How does my self esteem affect my weight issues? How do my weight issues affect my self esteem? Where did it start, and where does it end?
And so pregnancy has brought up a whole batch of new thoughts. Sometimes I joke around with the question "Pregnant or fat?" But to be honest, it's been a while since I've felt this at ease with a growing and changing body. It sounds so cheesy in writing, but it's true. My body is supposed to be this way, and it's a tiny miracle every day. My body is supposed to be growing; something would be very wrong if I wasn't getting bigger. I've always laughed when I heard it in the past, but it really does seem like my body was made for this. Like it has found a purpose, something that comes so naturally that is just has to be right.
So the change is that the past many months I have actually spent much more time loving my body than I ever have before. Perhaps because I've been slightly more health conscious in my diet, yet still allowing myself cookies, chocolate milk, ice cream, and potato chips (whenever little dude demands it...). I've incorporated very mild exercise - light swimming, long walks outside, biking around for errands.
Will this continue post-baby? Will I learn to love and appreciate a post-pregnant body, stretchmarks, baby-belly, extra skin and all? And why can't we just all love and appreciate our bodies for the natural miracles they really are, pregnant or not, old or young, every single day?
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
That Osama dude.
On Sunday evening over dinner and an exhilarating game of scrabble (which I won, just had to put that out there), the boy, our/his friend A, and I had a discussion on when Osama Bin Ladin would be captured.
I voiced one of my own personal conspiracy theories (although I’m sure other people have had similar thoughts): First of all, I said that I found it likely that Bin Ladin was either already dead or captured. Second, I said that they (Obama, American government, military, you pick) would wait to make the death/capture public until a time that would make strategic sense. Basically, I believed that the death of Bin Ladin would be timed in order to promote Obama in the upcoming election. I think I even said that a fall (2011) capture would probably make most sense (if they had the opportunity to time it). *
Little did I know, I was at least partially correct. When we were sitting in Denmark on Sunday evening, Bin Ladin was already dead, although this was not yet public knowledge. And there are many details about the action that have me thinking “something smells fishy.”
I will be the first to admit that when it comes to military, war strategy, etc. I am a bit ignorant. Without knowing all the details, all the considerations, all the intelligence, and so on, it is impossible to make a sound call on what exactly went down in Paktistan this weekend and over the past 8 months. But I urge you all to go read some news articles and make your own call.
Either way, I think this a positive development in the war on terror, at least on a symbolic level. I am nervous to see the aftermath and hope that it will not be too dramatic and take too many (or any) lives.
*(Don’t get me wrong, Obama is my homeboy. But there is something inside of me that likes to think of/believe in conspiracy theories. I know most probably aren’t true, but it can still be fun to think of. A bit of skepticism against the government is just a good sign that democracy is alive and well, right?)
** Now that I think about, the timing may actually be perfect in relation to the election in fall 2012. The immediate effect of this will probably give Obama a boost in ratings, and if the aftermath is bad, he will have a chance to show how he can positively handle attacks on Americans. If there is not significant aftermath to speak of, he will now be able to focus more on some of his other issues, without worrying too much on his war on terror.
I voiced one of my own personal conspiracy theories (although I’m sure other people have had similar thoughts): First of all, I said that I found it likely that Bin Ladin was either already dead or captured. Second, I said that they (Obama, American government, military, you pick) would wait to make the death/capture public until a time that would make strategic sense. Basically, I believed that the death of Bin Ladin would be timed in order to promote Obama in the upcoming election. I think I even said that a fall (2011) capture would probably make most sense (if they had the opportunity to time it). *
Little did I know, I was at least partially correct. When we were sitting in Denmark on Sunday evening, Bin Ladin was already dead, although this was not yet public knowledge. And there are many details about the action that have me thinking “something smells fishy.”
I will be the first to admit that when it comes to military, war strategy, etc. I am a bit ignorant. Without knowing all the details, all the considerations, all the intelligence, and so on, it is impossible to make a sound call on what exactly went down in Paktistan this weekend and over the past 8 months. But I urge you all to go read some news articles and make your own call.
Either way, I think this a positive development in the war on terror, at least on a symbolic level. I am nervous to see the aftermath and hope that it will not be too dramatic and take too many (or any) lives.
*(Don’t get me wrong, Obama is my homeboy. But there is something inside of me that likes to think of/believe in conspiracy theories. I know most probably aren’t true, but it can still be fun to think of. A bit of skepticism against the government is just a good sign that democracy is alive and well, right?)
** Now that I think about, the timing may actually be perfect in relation to the election in fall 2012. The immediate effect of this will probably give Obama a boost in ratings, and if the aftermath is bad, he will have a chance to show how he can positively handle attacks on Americans. If there is not significant aftermath to speak of, he will now be able to focus more on some of his other issues, without worrying too much on his war on terror.
Monday, May 2, 2011
May 1st celebrations in Odense
M ayday - also known as International Workers Day - (or Arbejdernes Kampdag) is not something I've ever really participated in or celebrated.
In Denmark though - it can be pretty big. Especially if you are on the side of the political scale known as red/socialist/left wing. And there are alot more of those people in Denmark than in, say, the United States.
Last year I joined my boyfriend at Ansgar park for some of the celebrations, but because of rain and bad weather we only made it in time to make some rounds at a few of the tents.
This year the weather was perfect for it, but we never made it further than a walk around the nearby parks and through part of town. We did get to suck in a little bit of the atmosphere though:
In Denmark though - it can be pretty big. Especially if you are on the side of the political scale known as red/socialist/left wing. And there are alot more of those people in Denmark than in, say, the United States.
Last year I joined my boyfriend at Ansgar park for some of the celebrations, but because of rain and bad weather we only made it in time to make some rounds at a few of the tents.
This year the weather was perfect for it, but we never made it further than a walk around the nearby parks and through part of town. We did get to suck in a little bit of the atmosphere though:
Mah Belly - 23 weeks
I'm playing a bit of catch-up here, and posting a belly picture I took on friday at 23 weeks.
Also a sneak peak at the new apartment - here: the bedroom, still slightly messy |
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